The State Government has been called on to improve services on the Cooloola Coast.

Member for Gympie Tony Perrett said that the Government can no longer ignore the needs of high growth areas like the Cooloola Coast.

“The government needs to deliver upgrades to police services, state-controlled roads, and health services,” Mr Perrett said.

“I’ve raised these issues in Parliament in speech and Questions on Notice to Ministers late last year, in February, and again this month and asked Ministers Questions on Notice. * “I’ve asked for commitments to increase personnel and resources including a new police station and the timeframes and plans including overtaking lanes for the Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach Roads.

“The police are stretched on the Cooloola Coast with issues caused by the influx of people and accidents.

“The permanent population of 6,500 swells by thousands during the peak tourist season and on weekends.

“The current Rainbow Beach police beat is not a police station.

“It doesn’t provide the same level of service.

“We need to be ahead of the game instead of playing catch up.

“The Cooloola Coast urgently needs additional personnel, and resources, including a properly designated police station.

The popularity of the coast is also putting pressure on state-controlled roads such as Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach Roads.

“The roads are below standard for such a major tourist destination and I’ve been advocating for improvements on them for several years.

“Rainbow Beach and the Coast is a popular spot, a premier destination in Queensland.

“The majority of people travelling to Fraser Island access it through Rainbow Beach.

“It’s becoming particularly busy on weekdays as well as during peak tourist season and on weekends.

“There are limited opportunities for passing.

“Drivers become frustrated and take risks which have shown up in increasing traffic accidents and deaths.

“The Government needs to tell us the timeframes and plans, including overtaking lanes to upgrade these roads.

“If the state wants to advance Queensland tourism it needs to put its money where its mouth is.

“The review of the Cooloola Coast’s health needs was due in February last year.

“That means it would have been conducted before Covid.

“It will provide guidelines on what health and medical facilities are needed.

“We need to see the outcome of the review.

“It is not good enough that currently patients must travel significant distances for many basic health care treatments that are available in towns with populations of only 2,000.

“These upgrades and improvements are too important for the Government to ignore,” he said.