Christmas time is brimming with anticipation and excitement, with expectations and
festivities. It offers us the opportunity not only for celebration but also for reflecting on the
past and looking ahead to the year to come.
We are told that Christmas is about catching up, relaxing, gifts, parties and feasts, about
celebrations and goodwill – that it is about children and Santa Claus. It is a wonderful and
treasured time to celebrate with family and friends and to acknowledge how much we value
them, and the part they have in our lives. It is even more important following the chaos and
stresses of the last two years which have upturned many lives. In all the excitement it is
important that we do not forget what Christmas is truly about.
Most importantly Christmas is the celebration of a religious event which underpins our
values, our society, our country’s Christian heritage and traditions – the joyous birth of Jesus
This is a time for joy.
Christmas gives us the inspirational message of salvation and hope that is the foundation, the
core of our civilisation.
That is why we value selflessness, respect and value for each and every human being, service
above self, helping those in need, and individual responsibility.
This is a time when we should stop, listen, think, and reflect. As we count our blessings and
are thankful for the gift of wonderful opportunities, we also remember that there are some
who will find this Christmas period difficult.
Take time to think about those who face hardship, are worn down by life’s struggles, those
who are grieving, sick, lonely, or unemployed. We also should remember and thankful for
those who continue to work over Christmas – the volunteers, police, emergency services
workers, firies, doctors, nurses, charity workers, and our defence forces.
Whether you are travelling or staying home try to keep safe. Be cautious, patient, and
considerate in activities and when travelling so that everyone may start the New Year well
rested and refreshed.
My wife Michele and I wish you, your families, and friends a joyous Christmas season and a
healthy and prosperous New Year.