Labor Gives Green Light to Intimidation of Farmers

Labor Gives Green Light to Intimidation of Farmers – The LNP is demanding the Palaszczuk Labor Government take action to protect law-abiding farmers as animal activists plan chaos on a ‘day of action’ this Monday.

Liberal National Party Shadow Agriculture Minister Tony Perrett said Labor had to stop turning a blind eye to illegal property invasions and the intimidation of farmers and their employees.

“It is an absolute disgrace that 120 animal extremists were able to invade a Darling Downs feedlot last week without any repercussions from the state at all,” said Mr. Perrett.

“The Premier had an opportunity in Question Time today to show some leadership on the issue, but like so many times before, she failed to stand-up for Queensland farmers saying she’ll only ‘take a look at it.’.

“The time for talk is over.

“Agriculture Minister Mark Furner is giving these extremists the green light to trespass on farms and abuse farmers.

“Biosecurity Queensland has not issued a single infringement notice in the last four years. * “Under Queensland law, everyone must comply with our state’s biosecurity protocols.

“It defies belief that no one has faced action for breaching biosecurity laws or for trespass.

“It’s time for Agriculture Minister Mark Furner to do his job – uphold the law and protect farms.

“It is unacceptable that Labor is allowing family businesses, which put food on our tables and provide jobs, to be damaged and threatened by lawless extremists.”

Liberal National Party Shadow Police Trevor Watts called on Police Minister Mark Ryan to raise his game and protect Queensland farmers from extremists.

“The response from Police Minister Mark Ryan has been pathetic,” said Mr. Watts.

“It is clear that the lawless actions of these extreme groups at the Darling Downs feedlot needs to be investigated as a matter of priority.

“It’s time for Queensland to get a specialised police taskforce to protect farmers, their families and their employees.
“Queensland farmers, like everyone else, deserve the right be protected under the law.”
