Media Hub

2021 Christmas message

Christmas time is brimming with anticipation and excitement, with expectations and festivities. It offers us the opportunity not only for celebration but also for reflecting on the past and looking ahead to the year to come. We are told that Christmas is about...

Private Members’ Statement – Timber Industry

Mr PERRETT (Gympie—LNP) (2.44 pm): A severe timber supply crisis is crippling the construction industry. This crisis has driven up the cost of raw timber supplies by over 100 per cent, created lengthy delays in the supply of timber and timber products, and...

Brisbane Olympic And Paralympic Games Arrangements Bill 2021

Mr PERRETT (Gympie—LNP) (3.29 pm): I rise to speak on the Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games Arrangements Bill 2021. The primary policy objectives of this bill are to establish the Brisbane Organising Committee for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games and to...