Almost one Gympie state school student is forced every week to be absent from school for disciplinary reasons.*

Over the three years from 2019 to 2021 there were 1,955 school disciplinary absences.
It could have been worse.

What is even more concerning is that the figures for 2020 were only reduced because of Covid 19 when schools were forced to close, and students had to work from home.

Short suspensions have increase from 2019 to 2021, however exclusions have dropped significantly.

These figures highlight the issue facing teachers and principals in trying to manage the classroom while also delivering lessons.

It is well known that student conduct is being impacted by social behaviour pressures including vaping, smoking, alcohol and illicit drug use as well as bullying and online abuse.**

It’s a fine line for our principals and teachers to manage student behaviour in a safe and productive way.

Principals not only need freedom to deliver correct disciplinary procedures they also have a Workplace Health and Safety obligation to ensure the safety of other students and teachers.

The Gympie region has a low socio-economic demographic profile, and our school students don’t need to fall behind.

Schools which are almost at capacity, with reduced space for learning and school activities, and others which need upgrades to facilities, make it harder to do their job.

Gympie students deserve the best learning environment possible so that they can achieve their full potential.

*Based on 26 state schools with 39-40 weeks of schooling.

**Question on Notice No 804