
Motion Shark Control Program, Inquiry

Shark Control Program, Inquiry 1. Mr PERRETT (Gympie—LNP) (4.57 pm): I move that the State Development, Natural Resources and Agricultural Industry Development Committee inquire into the Queensland shark control program and report to the Legislative Assembly by 16 May...

Notice of Motion Shark Control Program, Inquiry

Shark Control Program, Inquiry 1. Mr PERRETT (Gympie—LNP) (10.13 am): I give notice that I will move that the State Development, Natural Resources and Agricultural Industry Development Committee inquire into the Queensland shark control program and report to the...

Matter of Public Interest

Electricity Prices Mr PERRETT (Gympie—LNP) (2.36 pm): Spiralling cost-of-living expenses, especially from unsustainable electricity prices, continues to be the No. 1 issue in homes and businesses in rural and regional Queensland. It is no secret that electricity...