Our health services are in crisis, and we are constantly having services close down.
I have invited the Leader of the Opposition, David Crisafulli and the Shadow Minster for
Health and Ambulance Services Ros Bates to hear firsthand the experiences of locals.
A Health Crisis Town Hall meeting will be held next Tuesday (5 July) at the Senior Citizens’
Centre, 40 Mellor Street from 12 noon to1.30 p.m.
A Town Hall meeting gives locals the chance to speak up and help force change.
It’s wrong that we must continually fight to keep services in the region.
The closure of Gympie Hospital’s ‘Fracture Clinic’ earlier this month follows the fiasco
caused by the closure of the paediatric ward last year.
You can’t not provide services at the hospital.
Right across the board services are under stress and patients transferred or told to go to the
Sunshine Coast.
We’ve had issues in the paediatric ward, ambulance ramping, emergency department,
contraction of services in obstetrics and gynaecology and orthopaedics.
These should be frontline services, often the first experience when going to a hospital.
To register: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=927087&